5 Pearls from the Diamond of Personal Development

...by Brian Buffini, from the Buffini & Company blog in From the Chairman 

It’s no secret that personal development has had a major impact on my life and business. Influential thinkers in the movement including Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie have shaped my thinking and attitude profoundly. However, their influence only touches the surface. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find some true diamonds of wisdom. One of these “diamonds” is Earl Nightingale, the author of The Strangest Secret.

Earl Nightingale lived in a tent city during the Great Depression when his father abandoned the family and then lied about his age to join the Marines. He was one of the 15 who survived on USS Arizona when it was attacked. It was then that Earl knew that God had something planned for him. He had read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and was struck by the words “you’ll become what you think about” and, as a result, became a devotee of personal growth and development.

His recording of The Strangest Secret was the first record that ever went gold. It centered on two thoughts: If you plant your wants, your wants will grow; if you plant your fears, your fears will grow. Earl outlined five pearls of wisdom to encourage you to succeed in life and business.

1) Mind your thoughts
Earl said, “the mind moves in the direction of our currently dominant thoughts.” It’s our thoughts that influence us the most and determine our success.

2) Change your life by changing your attitude
According to Earl, “our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us.” Many people approach all aspects of their lives with a negative attitude and it not only impacts their career, it also impacts their personal relationships, their health, their spirit and more. I’ve said before, it’s impossible to hold an attitude of gratitude and feel entitled at the same time. When you’re thankful for what you have, your mindset becomes more positive. And when you have a positive attitude, that positivity spreads to all areas of your life.

3) Let your mind soar
Your imagination is a powerful tool. Earl said, “everything begins with an idea.” Ideas begin with a bit of imagination. Let your mind wander from time to time and use your imagination to think of ways to improve all aspects of your life and business.

4) Tap into your courage
It takes courage to set goals and try to achieve them. Earl said, “people with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.” Focus on your goals every day and don’t give in to distractions. Before long you’ll be well on your way to achieving them.

5) Take action
Ideas are worthless unless you act on them. Earl said, “whatever we plant in our subconscious and nurture with repetition and emotion will one day become reality.” It’s not enough to have an idea or a worthy goal; it’s vital to act. Do the activities that will help you achieve your goals and you increase your chances of success.

If you’d like to learn more about diamonds like Earl Nightingale, gain insight into developing the mindset, motivation and methodologies for success, listen to my podcast The Brian Buffini Show. We’re planning another great year of content to help you achieve your goals in 2018. In addition to the podcast, we’re hitting the road for the 2018 Success Tour to help real estate and small business professionals find their “Acre of Diamonds.”

It’s a good life!

The Brian Buffini Show is my go-to, favourite podcast and I cannot give it any higher recommendation!
